I broke my keyboard yesterday night. it's the third keyboard I broke since jun 2006. (stupid frets on fire fault)
but the post must go on therefore I spent 2 hours cracking my keyboard up to see what happened to it. thank god it's working now and I no longer have a reason to get the Optimus Maximus keyboard.
On Wednesday I'll give you this super duper awesome wonderfulicious free site that produces video tutorials for beginner designers not like me, but like you....... yes you.
Today it's about keyboards.
One main problem which I always always have with my keyboards are dust and particles (Food) that gets into the keyboard between the keys.
an Idea hit my head yesterday just as I was cleaning up my keyboard from the ancient dust and particles that could be radioactive, forming a new breed of mutated creatures that could jump up and eat my fingers.
the idea that hit my head gave me an idea................. and made a red bump too. Why not I use the Mac's Keyboard and use it for my PC? I always love the Macs keyboard. it's so thin and small and the keys are wide and there are no "cleavage" that stores those ancient dust. Brilliant! I said.
But how?..... can it be done? is it even possible?
I don't know yet. I'm now researching on it and will tell you tomorrow. that is if my keyboard is still working.
Ps: those who disagree with eating while on your computer..... It's Called Multi Tasking!! you obsolete single core Human beings. no insult intended to those obsolete people.
Think Different
4 years ago
your awsome man why didnt i think of that
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